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  • Travel the time our kids are able to hear us read (yes, even the 9 months before birth). The gift of READING is a fanciful and exciting time for children and those child-like adults. We learn so much from hearing mom read to us and later from our independent reading. Then of course we gain so much more as we write and share, and communicate both during growing up years and then as adults.

Many of us have been intrepid recreational readers over the years. And, of course, we must consume various paragraphs as adult workers. There are numerous reasons why Reading is Important. Follow the thread below and you’ll learn more about this important skill.

Why Reading Is Important !

So, just what is the benefit from reading. Why should we make this an important theme in our civilization’s development. There are so many demands on one’s time. Reading may be more significant than we ever knew. For one thing, struggling with vital reading skills in not a sign a low intelligence. For example, John Corcoran, who wrote The Teacher Who Couldn’t Read, made some very interesting points. He graduated from High School and College, became a popular High School teacher and later a successful businessman. All this, while actually unable to read. If a man like John Corcoran can succeed without reading, why is it so important? If one really investigated Mr. Corcoran’s story you’d experience the feelings of shame, loneliness and fear that overwhelmed him before he learned this very important skill. Of course he was able to succeed, in spite of this major handicap, because he was a man of great ability and determination. But, make no mistake, it was a handicap that made life harder and less enjoyable as he coursed his way through life.

The Importance of Reading

Reading is fundamental to functioning in today’s society. There are adults who don’t read well enough to decipher information on a medicine bottle. That is very scary, especially when considering the health of their children. Filling out an application, for  these folks, is a major chore. Reading road and other warning signs is a complication while navigating the highways. Even reading a map, or gps is upsetting. Day to day activities become a source of anger and frustration.

2. Reading is a vital skill in finding a good job. Many well-paying jobs require reading as a part of job performance. There are reports and memos, which must be prepared and understood. Poor reading skills increase the amount of time it takes to absorb, comprehend, perform tasks in the workplace. A person is limited in what they can accomplish without good comprehension skills.

3. Reading is important because it develops the mind. The mind is a muscle. It needs exercise. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability. Teaching young children to read helps them develop their language skills. It also helps them learn to listen. Everybody wants to talk, but few really listen. Lack of listening skills can result in major misunderstandings which can lead to job loss, marriage breakup, and other of life’s complications. Reading helps us all focus on what others communicate.

4. So, reading turns out to be quite essential. It is how we discover new things. Books, magazines and even the Internet are great learning tools, which require the ability to understand what is read. A person who knows how to read can educate themselves in any of the numerous topics of the world. They just have to be interested. We live in an age where quantities of information are available exponentially. Reading is the main way to take advantage of the immense array of the world’s accumulation of knowledge.

Reading Develops The Imagination

5. TV and computer games have their place, but they are

an amusement. With reading, a person can go anywhere in the world…or even out of it! They can be a king, an adventurer, or a princess, or… The possibilities are endless. Non-readers won’t experience these joys.

6. Reading develops the cerebral and creative side of people. When reading to children, stop every once in awhile and ask them what they think is going to happen next. Get them thinking about the story. When it is finished, ask if they could think of a better ending, or anything that would have improved it. If they really liked the story, encourage them to illustrate it with their own drawings, or make up a different story with the same characters. Get their creative juices flowing!

Reading Is Fundamental

7. Reading is fundamental in developing a good self-image. Non-readers, or poor readers, often have low opinions of themselves and their abilities. Many times they feel as if the world is against them. They may feel isolated, “…everybody else can read…” which isn’t true, and behavior problems can surface. They may perform poorly with those other topics because they cannot read and understand the material. So they tend to “give up.”

8. Good reading skills, especially those in a phonics reading program, improve spelling. As students learn to sound out letters and words, spelling becomes easier. Also, reading helps to expand the vocabulary. Exposure to new words allows the reader to become familiar with an expanded vocabulary. Seeing how words are used in different contexts allows a better understanding of word usage and definitions than the sterile pages of a dictionary.

9. That old saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword” has changed the destiny of men and nations. The flow of ideas cannot be stopped. We need to read and research, to build on the modern day compendium of ideas and creativity. Only by reading are we be armed in this never-ending effort to learn, create and expand upon the innovations of those who preceded us historically.

10. The power of written ideas, communicated through reading, is a foundational reason why some governments oppose free and communication and the honest exchange of ideas. Illiterate people are easier to control and manipulate by disreputables and government minions. They cannot do their own thinking, without skills to read. They then rely on what they are told. There is a possibility that this is one of the reasons phonics was removed from the schools in the early 1960’s.

Reading Is Important

11. Finally, the last of the reasons we need to read. Words, both spoken and written, are the building blocks of life. You are, right now, the result of the words that you heard or read and believed about yourself. What you become in the future will depend on the words you believe about yourself now. People, families, relationships, and even nations are built from words. Think about it.

According to Jonathan Kozol in “Illiterate America,” quoted in “The Teacher Who Couldn’t Read,'” the three main reasons people give for wanting to read are: To read the Bible,
2. To read books and newspapers, and
3. To help their children.

Everyone may now conclude that reading is a vital skill! Reading strategies are also a part of learning to read.


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